Sunday 23 September 2018

Best Ways to Reduce the Page Loading Time on WordPress

The Page Speed time is one of the Google’s top ranking factors which means if your blog is fully SEO-Optimized but not optimized for Speed then you’re on the Google’s blacklist page but don’t worry about it.

If you’re using WordPress and want to reduce the page loading time of your WordPress blog then I’m going to share with you the top working ways that I use to reduce my blog’s page loading time totally for free without using any paid tools & editing & coding into the WordPress files.

Reducing Page Loading Time on WordPress

So that being said, let’s get started.

Best Ways to Reduce the Page Loading Time on WordPress Blog

What you need to do is just implement these working ways on your blog and you’re all done to speed up your blog’s loading time.

But before I start listing these methods, make sure you check your blog’s speed with any of the following tools so you have a better idea that how much time does your blog take before implementing these methods and how much time will it take after you implement these ways.

Tools to Check Blog Page Loading Time:

  • PageSpeed Insights by Google
  • GTMetrix (The best page Speed checker tool with multiple servers from many regions & countries)
  • Pingdom Page Speed Testing Tool

Even though there are many other free tools as well but for now, we’ll use these tools only.
So now let me share with you my working ways so you can implement on your blog and reduce your blog page’s loading time.

1. Choose Fast Web Hosting

This is the no 1 method that I use to boost up the speed of my blog and its pages & this is the King of all other methods that I’m going to share with you. So choosing the right hosting that provides fast hosting servers help you a lot in speeding up your blog’s loading time.

As we’re talking about WordPress so if you can afford to buy WordPress Hosting then I’d highly recommend you opt for WPX Hosting because it’s one of the best WordPress Hosting providers and the reason I recommend it is that it comes with fast hosting servers and other bundles of features but I like their Servers Speed and that’s why here I recommend to you.

Even though, it’s a little bit expensive compared to Shared Hostings but if you have not used it and want to give it a try for a while, I’d suggest you redeem the WPX Hosting Coupon on to get hosting from WPX Hosting for the first 30 days with up to 90% discount or for just $3 only. Normally WPX Hosting cost around $24.95 each month.

Still if you don’t want to buy WordPress Managed Hosting, I’d suggest you give a try to other International hosting companies such as HostGator, Bluehost or SiteGround etc.

2. Install a Cache Plugin on your Blog

Once you have chosen the right web hosting with fast servers for your blog and you have installed WordPress on it, now it’s the time for you to install some plugins and to boost the speed of your blog and reduce its loading time, just install a cache plugin and then configure the plugin to minify the CSS & other codings.

There are many Cache Plugins that I recommend you to take a look at:

  • WP Super Cache
  • WP Rocket
  • W3 Total Cache

3. Install CDN (Content Delivery Network)

Installing a CDN also known as Content Delivery Network is the best practice to reduce the page loading time and there are a few Free CDNs that you can use for free such as CloudFlare etc.
In order to install CloudFlare on your blog, All you need to do is Create an Account with CloudFlare >> Register your Domain with Cloud Flare >> Change your Domain Name’s DNS with CloudFlare’s DNS>> and finally Activate it.

And once CloudFlare is fully installed on your domain name, just wait for at least 24 hours and then check your blog’s loading time using any Speed Checker Tools that I have listed above and you’ll then see the difference.

4. Remove Unwanted Plugins from your Blog

WordPress let’s you install unlimited numbers of Plugins & Themes on your blog but to reduce your blog’s loading time, you must make sure you have installed minimal & important plugins only.
If you found that there are some useless or less-working plugins installed on your blog, quickly uninstall them & delete from your blog.

Also if you have unused themes available in your WordPress Dashboard that means you have inactivated themes then don’t hesitate to remove & delete those useless themes from your blog.
But make sure you don’t delete your current activated theme from your blog.

5. Install Image Optimization Plugin

Image optimization plays a core role in reducing the page loading time of your blog and to do it, you don’t need to optimize your images manually using any software or any online website but rather all you need to do is just install any Free Image Compression plugin from the WordPress Plugins Directory and you’re all set.
For image compression & optimization, I recommend Smush (Image Compression) plugin which is free and it optimizes the size of your images to the least in bulk without affecting your Web Hosting server.

6. Enable GZip Compression

To further speed up your blog’s page loading time, you need to enable Gzip compression and method has been ingored by many Webmasters & Bloggers but enabling GZip Compression on your blog can help you a lot in compressing your blog and reducing the server’s loading time which in result help you to boost up your blog’s loading time!

In order to check whether or not GZip Compression is enabled on your blog then visit this site and check:

If GZip is not installed on your blog then you can use the Check & Enable GZip Compression plugin to enable GZip on your blog without any custom codings & adding other third-party scripts to your WordPress blog.
These were my favorite ways that I wanted to share with you and also I myself use these methods boost up the page loading time of my blog. I hope you enjoyed this post. In case you have any question regarding this post, please don’t forget to leave your queries below.

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